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The biggest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.
Have you ever thought about volunteering for a local conservation project? It's a great opportunity to be more in touch with nature and gain experience and meet new great people. Often it is the knowledge that we unconsciously improve things in life and move on. This is also the case with the protection of the planet and nature. Sometimes we treat the planet as if we know we have another spare. It's not like that! There is no other planet here.
There are enough resources in the world to fulfill man's needs, but not for his greed.
One of the big questions in the climate change debate:
Are people smarter than frogs in a pot?
If you put a frog in a pot of water and heat it slowly,
it will not jump out. Instead, you will not cook a warm bath until.
My people seem to be the same.
When the last tree dries up, the water in the last river is poisoned and we catch the last fish, only then we realize that money cannot be eaten.
We have been participating in charitable projects to help people, animals and nature for several years. We welcome all volunteers interested in joining us :)
We will soon bring you several new projects that we will be happy to share with you.
We have our partners on this site, whose work is incredibly amazing and commendable. Thank you for your support for all projects! WE THANK YOU :)
If we used all resources productively and took the experience of the energy crisis to heart, in the future we would only have to face ... an infinite number of possibilities.
Then the problems we face would not be seen as threats, but as opportunities for change for the benefit of all living creatures.
The world is today facing major climatic changes due to increased carbon emissions, with each person contributing a substantial amount every year. The only long term solution to address this problem is to reduce or modify the consumption and production patterns and lead more sustainable lifestyles.
At Worldview Impact, we are trying to attain the same by building sustainable models around agroforestry projects in the developing world. In our flagship project in India we encourage local communities to specifically grow rubber trees with pineapples and oranges organically following a multi cropping integrated farming system as these are highly efficient in binding greenhouse gases (GHG) and thus can have an immediate effect in terms of reducing carbon emissions. Moreover, this model helps communities to get rid of poverty as they can generate income by selling rubber products, thus ensuring sustainable future. Our mission is to make the green investments grow in the projects that are mitigating climate change at the grassroots level and generating sustainable livelihood opportunities at the same time.
Worldview Impact has established a cost effective agroforestry model for large scale replication to achieve sustainable development in the long run. India is our first pilot country the agroforestry project has provided sustainable livelihoods to about 50 families living around the project site in the rural and remote parts of Meghalaya. Furthermore, our aim is to establish value added benefits to the raw material from rubber tapping. These include production of medical gloves and other dipped products, which will further increase the economic benefits of the project for the local population as well as the investors.
Ground operations started in January 2012 included the following:
Our products include organic pineapples and oranges that we planted on the site of an agroforestry project. We will also be producing organic jungle honey from a beekeeping project that has been integrated into the plantation to produce pineapple and orange flavored honey. We are creating an eco village project that will be integrated on a hill with a wonderful view of the project site to generate income from eco and agrotourism. Finally, in 2018, the rubber trees we planted will really be tapped for the production of smoke rubber.
The benefits of carbon trading increase the economic potential of establishing community forests combined with food production for the benefit of the environment and marginalized tribal communities. A new multi-cropping system developed by our agricultural experts, where other food crops such as pineapple are planted between rubber trees, is now being replicated in other projects. Different types of orchids will be attached to the top of the rubber trees as tapping is only done from 5 feet and below. These tropical flowers grow perfectly on rubber trees.
Worldview Impact has established a cost-effective agroforestry model for large-scale replication to achieve long-term sustainable development. India is our first pilot country where an agroforestry project has provided sustainable livelihoods to about 50 families living around the project in rural and remote parts of Meghalaya. In addition, we aim to create added value for raw materials from the rubber tree. These include the production of medical gloves and other dipped products, which will further increase the economic benefit of the project for the local population as well as for investors.
Mangrove forests form important ecosystems in tropical and subtropical regions. They stabilize the coast and reduce erosion caused by storms, currents, waves and tides. Mangrove root systems are home to many types of organisms. Mangrove forests also store large amounts of carbon. The mangrove forests that straddle the interface between land and sea represent two worlds. Their branches provide homes for lizards, snakes and nesting birds, while their roots, when submerged, become protective nurseries for baby fish and refuges for marine mammals.
Mangroves also provide numerous benefits to coastal human communities. They act as storm barriers that protect inland areas from flooding and erosion by dissipating the energy of large waves. They help filter river water from pollutants and trap excess sediment before it reaches the ocean. Their role as fish nurseries can have a major impact on local economies and food production.
Dr. Bremley Lyngdoh is a Climate Change and Sustainable Development professional with over 20 years of experience working with Governments, IGOs, NGOs, and the Private Sector developing a range of innovative projects in Asia, Africa, and South America aimed at producing ecologically sound and economically viable activities that contribute directly to reducing rural poverty and generating productive sustainable livelihoods for vulnerable local communities. Bremley has all the relevant experience in project sourcing and development. His strength lies in building strategic partnerships with various governmental agencies, NGOs, and multilateral development agencies. Through his previous assignments working with the United Nations and the World Bank in Asia, Africa, and Latin America, he has gained expertise in the effective monitoring and evaluation of field-based programs. Bremley developed projects on climate change adaptation, integrated agroforestry, sustainable tourism, and renewable energy.
We play the role of a bridge-builder. We build bridges that connect donors and impact investors with projects seeking to find the resources for addressing climate change and sustainability.
We collaborate with both ends to help restore the balance on earth. Thanks to our group of experts, passion for technology, collaboration, and transparency, we have managed to deliver 27 projects in 13 years.
Our dream is to reduce the resource gap and provide innovative solutions to restore ecosystems. We exist to improve the living conditions of people in developing countries.
Ecoolympiad and environmental education
PlanetLover is a civil association that tries to spread key information about how to change your daily habits and thus be more responsible for the protection of the planet. We are primarily dedicated to the education of secondary school students.
Goal is to change the thinking of the younger generation, which can influence the behavior of the entire family (especially parents). One simple step a day is enough for each of us, and together it leads to a big change. With every positive step you take, whether you want to or not, you motivate those around you. Don't be afraid to try new things, habits. We are living a history that will not be repeated. Because change is inevitable. And the consequences, whether positive or negative, will become apparent in a few decades.
It's worth a better future.
We also use social networks, where we bring daily interesting information from the environment, such as innovations in business, which bring fantastic new modules for green business. In addition, we try to bring news among ECO organizations that offer opportunities to get involved in environmental protection. Here we point out simple steps that each of us can take in our daily life. Small things such as not to buy bottled water, go 2 days without meat, take your own shopping bag, or go to work by bus or bicycle, or share information about petitions for nature protection, or electing responsible parties who are willing to make these changes have a huge impact on the state of the environment. The founder of the association is Alexandra Madrová, she has been actively dedicated to the protection of animals and nature all her life, as a volunteer and activist. Since the foundation of the association, it has been primarily devoted to education in the field of environmental protection.
The organizer of the Eco-Olympiad is o.z. Planet Lover. We are dedicated to education in the field of environmental protection. We try to educate students, with the aim of appealing to parents, friends and teachers through them. Motivate them to get involved and change their communities. We come up with various activities in which we also involve companies and adults. We lead young people to volunteer in the field of environmental protection. The expert guarantor of the project is the famous scientist RNDr. Marcela Morvová Jr., PhD.
Thanks to Planet Lover's cooperation with the Slovak Olympic and Sports Committee, well-known Olympians who are ambassadors of the educational project also participated in the event. They are aware of the seriousness of the situation in connection with climate change, so they decided to support education in the field of environmental protection.
The Blue World Institute of Marine Research and Conservation was founded in 1999. The Blue World Institute is an independent non-profit organisation set up with the intention to carry out scientific research and conservation of the marine environment as well as educational activities, with an emphasis on the Adriatic Sea and the wider Mediterranean basin. Our three main programmes – research, education and conservation – provide a framework for executing multiple projects aimed at furthering the understanding of the marine environment, its flagships species, and public participation in their protection.
The major scientific research interest of the Blue World Institute is the study of common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in the Adriatic Sea, implemented through the Adriatic Dolphin Project (ADP). Initiated in 1987, the ADP is now the longest ongoing study of a bottlenose dolphin population in the Mediterranean Sea and one of the longest in the world. It is recognised as an example for best practice, reflected in the international cooperation it has created. Over the years The Blue World Institute is using a wide spectrum of research methods to increase scientific knowledge on the ecology of the Adriatic marine environment, and on the anthropogenic impact on ocean health. Please look at the sections below to find out more about specific research methods. The Blue World Institute has expanded the scope of its research to include other species (such as loggerhead sea turtles and sharks), other topics (such as Marine Protected Areas and Marine Spatial Planning), new locations (such as Vis, Murter, Italy, Montenegro and Albania), and the partners with whom we collaborate.
Our education programmes are developed to make the results of our scientific research accessible to the public and contribute to the better understanding of the biology of marine vertebrates and of the ecology of marine ecosystems in general. Education activities began with the initiation the first Dolphin Day that took place in Veli Lošinj in August 1993. Dolphin day celebration is a tradition which continues and has since been adopted by organisations in other Mediterranean countries, but our education programme diversified enormously and now covers all ages, backgrounds and interest groups.
The Blue World Institute has its basis rooted in the ongoing Adriatic Dolphin Project, a long-running common bottlenose dolphin research and monitoring project. Since its formal foundation in 1999, the BWI has led or partnered with other institutions and NGOs on the development and implementation of conservation policies for the protection of the Adriatic Sea. Over the years, our conservation interest has expanded to include all large marine vertebrates, including sea turtles, sharks and rays, and conservation-planning including protected areas and maritime spatial planning. In this section, we will highlight some of the work the Blue World Institute is undertaking as part of its research and conservation projects.
It is quite amazing that the Adriatic Dolphin Project is running for 30 years and we are proud to have been able to establish quite a few other professional programmes in education, science, and conservation since the formal launch of the Blue World Institute in 1999. Through our work, we are providing a unique role in the region, a long-term vision for protection of iconic marine species and of the environment as a whole. Our work is making a palpable and measurable impact; here are some of the milestones in an ongoing task that will never really be finished.
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